Well, here's my little set up for my first show of the season. This was the practice run to see how it all came together. It rained all day and there was not a lot of foot traffic through the area, but it was great to go and actually do it to get used to the whole thing. Next week I'll have a much larger set up, complete with canopy and more items. Just got in some great shadow boxes to figure out a good way to present the dead fairies as a nice whole package. That will be my fun experiment for the week and will hopefully have some done for the big show at Pioneer Square.
Rediscovered one of my favorite weird places to go when I lived in Chicago, this past week. American Science and Surplus!
Here's the website.. www.sciplus.com
Too bad they don't have a store out here. It is a wonderful place to just go and browse around in - you might even come home with some frogs in formaldehyde, as well as the parts to make a little motor for your mad scientist projects at home, or maybe just a bag of interesting blue buttons!